Friday, February 4, 2011

Beginner Tip: Use 'Undo Send' in GMail

I know, this has happened to everyone. You hit the 'send' button and then realize that you forgot to attach the document, sent it to the wrong person, forgot to include someone, forgot to write the subject... and so on.

GMail has a feature which is in labs (beta) that sends the email after a specified time. Within those few seconds, you can 'undo' sending the message completely. Here's how to do it.

  • Click the green lab flask icon to the right of your email address at the very top-right corner of the page when signed in.
  •  You'll see a list of opt-in Labs features.
  • Find 'Undo Send' and enable it.
  • GMail may refresh.

Now when you send an email, it will display an option to undo that action.

If you want to change the default wait time, you can do so in the General tab of the Settings. Just click the Settings link in the top-right corner of the page. Look for the Undo Send entry and change the number of seconds.

Stay tuned (or maybe connect) to this blog for more tips, tricks and news.
