Instapaper is a free service that helps you in saving web articles to use later. You can save practically any web page that you want to see later. You just create an account on the site, which is really fast. You just have to enter an email address (or a username).
[caption id="attachment_106" align="aligncenter" width="385" caption="So easy!"]

You don't even need a password. You can assign one if you want, later Then it will give you a bookmarklet to put into your bookmarks bar. You can click it whenever you are on a webpage you want to save and it will be submitted to your account. There are a couple of Firefox add-ons for submitting to Instapaper like this one and this one.
Instapaper works perfectly with Google Reader also. There's also an iPhone app for Instapaper. It supports Kindle too. Instapaper compatibility is slowly growing all over the web.
Good luck in using Instapaper. To see more of its features, see Extras in Instapaper.