If you get this little link in the top-right corner, you can use Priority Mail:
Now, click it, and it will display a pop-up, like this:
You can choose to see the little video, which explains the concept of Priority Mail. If you want to try out the new mailbox feature, you know what to click.
If you choose to try it out, you'll be shown a little box, with some of your read email. Gmail will ask you to choose which ones are important for you and which are not. Depending on your input, it will slowly learn what types of email you think are important.
Now, when that's done, Priority Mail will be set up for you, and the page will refresh. When Gmail is done loading, lo and behold, you have got a huge revamp.
The little notification says that the new feature is ready. And you've got an email from Google that explains the new features and controls. You can change settings for Priority Mail from your Settings.
Now, to use Priority Mail properly, you should mark your email as important or not. Then it will learn from your choices which email to classify.
The left pane has also changed. There's a Priority Inbox link also. The number there will show the number of important and unread email for you.
Good luck with the new Priority Inbox.