Sunday, November 28, 2010

Stop Windows Update from rebooting your PC

Photo from How-To Geek
Seen that irritating dialog before? It's so annoying. It even reboots your machine automatically at times, and there's nothing you can do about it. But there's a fix too.

This little hack requires modifying the Windows Registry. But it is completely safe and reversible if done correctly. But it is always good to save a backup of the registry, or at least have a System Restore point created before you do anything such. Always backup your important files too.
  • Go to the Registry Editor by clicking Start and typing in regedit. Here, in the left pane, navigate to:
  • If you see that there is no WindowsUpdate in there, you can right-click Windows and create a new Key, then name it appropriately. Then you need to create an AU too.
  • When you're there, in the right pane, right-click anywhere and create a new 32-bit DWORD.
  • Name it NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers.
  • Double-click it to Modify and give it a value of 1, as shown below:

After a reboot, this should work. Windows would give you that frustrating countdown until it reboots. Ever again, unless if you go back and delete the keys.

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