So, this is simple. You just go to Wolfram|Alpha and type in the name of a satellite. In my example, I key in 'ISS'. It intelligently interprets it as the International Space Station.
You can enlarge the photo above to enlarge it. It not only shows the countries who built it, but it also shows the current position. It even showed me a map, with the ISS plotted on it, and it even indicated the orbit it follows.
Okay, now for the space probes. I entered 'Voyager 1' in the search bar. This was even more amazing. It showed some really awesome stats. It showed the distance of Voyager 1 from the Sun, from Earth and it showed the heliocentric velocity. Now for the fun part. The last thing in the results was the current sky position from my own location. Voyager 1 is not visible from my location, but if you happen to know a recently launched probe, and you happen to have an observatory (or a powerful telescope) at your disposal, Wolfram|Alpha can be useful for your sightseeing.
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