Amazon recently introduced an ad-supported, cheaper version of the Wi-Fi only version of their Kindle e-book reader. We also saw how Kindle books started outselling dead-tree versions on the Amazon store in less than four years from the launch of the Kindle platform.
Now, they have introduced the 3G version of the Kindle with Special Offers. And if you can go get it already.
The full press release is available over here. The ad-supported version shaves off $25 from the otherwise $189 device. So if you are willing to deal with advertisements on the "sleep" screen and on the bottom of the Home screen, you can get the 3G version of the Kindle for just $164 now.
Making the Kindle cheaper will surely attract more buyers. In turn, they will be buying more and more electronic versions of books. This will lead to a phasing out of paper books. Great. No more tree killing for your novels!
Now, they have introduced the 3G version of the Kindle with Special Offers. And if you can go get it already.
The full press release is available over here. The ad-supported version shaves off $25 from the otherwise $189 device. So if you are willing to deal with advertisements on the "sleep" screen and on the bottom of the Home screen, you can get the 3G version of the Kindle for just $164 now.
Making the Kindle cheaper will surely attract more buyers. In turn, they will be buying more and more electronic versions of books. This will lead to a phasing out of paper books. Great. No more tree killing for your novels!